Happy Father's Day: Love You Papa!

What do you love most about your father-daughter relationship?
Cassandra said, "I love that we are playful, that we grew up being able to tease each other and get away with it, and that dad doesn’t get offended - he will laugh with you. And he’s always there for me".
Larry, a kind man of few words, exclaimed, "That she’s my princess". Thanks Larry, you're hitting us right in the feels.
What is a fond or funny memory you have of one another?
Cassandra: "One of my funniest memories goes back to us teasing each other. Every winter, dad would wear this one jumper with a beautiful eagle on it. It was cashmere. This one night, I was at home with my brothers, Fabbio and Daniel, and we started talking about this jumper. And we went through the photo album and we notice, dads in the jumper on Fabbio’s birthday, 1993. Then we flip the page, and again, another year later on Fabio’s birthday in 1994, he’s in the same jumper. Flip the page. Another year later, same jumper! Then dad walks through the door and says, “what are you looking at?” - and HE’S WEARING THE JUMPER". Safe to say, they eventually made Larry throw this jumper away.
Larry: "When Cassandra started her own business, she was working from home and one day, I looked at her, like “what’s she doing?” on her jewellery bench. I knew she went to TAFE and spent a lot of time there. And every day I would go home, and she’s hammering away. And I just thought, “what did I spend all my money on?” I was worried. Now, not so much!"
What is something you both have in common?
Cassandra said, "Definitely my hard-ass attitude - I get that from my dad. I think he also taught me from a young age not to care too much about what people think. Not in a rude way, but just having more of a “don’t sweat it” attitude.
Larry said, "We’re basically the same person. We have the same personality. I take after my mother, and Cassandra takes after me".
Tell us about the other person's most annoying habit.
Cassandra: "When I was growing up, I used to look at my Dad and he would have this ‘death-stare’, where he would glare at people and not smile, while he’s trying to work out what they’re saying. And I used to think to myself, “will this guy just smile - he’s embarrassing me in front of my friends”! Now, I’m pretty sure I do the same thing".
Larry: "Cassandra thinks she knows better than me, even when it's something I know more than her! She can teach me about something I don’t know, like jewellery, but don’t try to teach me about things I know more about."
When asked what they did together when Cassandra was little, Larry mentioned her love of horse riding!
Which of their achievements are you proudest of?
Cassandra said, "I’m proud of Dad coming to a new country when he didn’t know any English, and marrying my mum and then learning a trade. And working really, really hard. Because they did everything for their kids. And now look at them; they’re still married, still in love, still great parents, and still being so supportive".
Larry first joked, "I’m not proud of her at all. No, no. I was proud when she bought her first place, opened her first business, expanded to Melbourne; I’m proud of everything she does".
We love Cassandra and Larry's fun father-daughter relationship, and the bond they share with one another.
This Father's Day, we wish all the dad's, grandfathers, mum's doing both, and dad figures the most wonderful day with their young ones. We are also thinking of those dad's who are without their little loves, and any children, young or old, who are without their dads. ❤️